Friday, July 6, 2012

San Luis la Herradura wheelchair distribution

Today was fun and meaningful for us. We "slept in" as our first distribution required us to leave the hotel at noon. Some went to the market to shop for local handicrafts, others went to a local art gallery and some of us just hung out at the hotel. Our distribution took us to the beachside community of San Luis la Herradura. We were met by the mayor who totally surprised us by a boat ride through the inlet out to the Pacific ocean. What a treat! The only sad part was witnessing the devastation of a recent flood of a beachside community that forced an evacuation of the people inland. We are in the rainy season and each afternoon were are met with some terrific thunderstorms.

Here are some stories from our distributions from today....

It is always amazing to see how disabled people make it to the distributions. Here is Virginia Acosta arriving in a local "taxi" by herself with an amputated leg as a result of diabetes.

Paulino de Jesus Miranda is blind from cataracts and deaf at age 91. He promised us he would take care of his new chair.

Samuel Alberto Orellano' just 11 years old, at the age of 5 contracted an illness that rendered him paralyzed on his left side. His parents are so grateful they will be able to get him to the hospital for his care with greater ease. He is delighted he will be able to move by himself! They recognize this chair is a gift from God.

Elvira Claros Grimalde is 68 and has lost her left foot, again from diabetes. Her daughter has had to care for her so she is so happy to be less of a burden to her.

The thing our team recognizes again and again is the incredible joy and gratitude the people of El Salvador exude. The gratitude and joy is contagious. We are having such a blessed experience and will not be the same as a result of this trip!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:61 Avenida Norte,San Salvador,El Salvador