Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Learning the basics: The best way to assemble the FWM chair. Preparing for next week.

 Our team with our assembled chair, David, Susan, Sandi, Anna and Joe. Ali, Kat and Ned were unable to attend. We are comprised of 8 members, 6 from Southern Cal with Kat and Ned from Nevada.

 Mike, our trainer, looks on as Anna works on the axle assembly.

Here Anna and Susan continue with the axle assembly while Sandi looks on.

 David is putting on the wheels while Stewart and Mike instruct.

Mike is explaining which tool to use in each situation.

Monday, June 25, 2012

We leave this Sunday, 7/1 for our week in El Salvador distributing wheelchairs and we invite you to follow along on our blog.

 Getting Ready For A Delivery (Chile, 2008)
 A Young Helper (Chile, 2008)
Needy Recipient (Peru, 2007)
Getting ready for our trip, starting this Sunday.  All very excited!